Friday, April 02, 2010

Construction Spending in the U.S. Decreases to Seven-Year Low -

It will be a long time before commercial real estate recovers.

The world has changed, and the use of commercial space is changing.

Stay away.

Residential will do just fine.

Everybody needs a home, whether they rent or buy.

Maybe it's time to buy an S&L - again.

* * * * * J B K * * * * *

San Francisco

April 1 (Bloomberg) -- Construction spending in the U.S. fell in February to the lowest level in more than seven years, signaling this part of the economy remains in a recession.

The 1.3 percent decrease to $846.2 billion, the lowest since November 2002, followed a revised 1.4 percent drop in January that was more than twice as large as previously estimated, Commerce Department figures showed today in Washington.

Housing will be slow to rebound as foreclosures climb and Americans are uncertain about job prospects. At the same time, commercial and government building are also slumping, restrained by a lack of credit and swelling budget deficits.

Payrolls in U.S. Rose 162,000 in March; Unemployment at 9.7% -


It's not a big number, but it's earlier than even we thought.

Non-farm payrolls started increasing in QI 2010. Make a note.

The bonds are taking this hard, and are breaking minor support.

* * * * * J B K * * * * *

San Francisco

April 2 (Bloomberg) -- Employment in the U.S. increased in March by the most in three years and the unemployment rate held at 9.7 percent as companies gained confidence the economic recovery will be sustained.

Payrolls rose by 162,000 last month, less than anticipated, figures from the Labor Department in Washington showed today. The March increase included 48,000 temporary workers hired by the government to conduct the 2010 census, as well as job gains in manufacturing and health services.

The government revised January and February payroll figures up by a combined 62,000, putting the March gain at 224,000 after including the updated data. Caterpillar Inc. is among companies adding staff, indicating the recovery that began in the second half of 2009 is starting to foster the jobs needed to lift consumer spending and sustain the expansion.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Fed Reveals Bear Stearns Assets It Swallowed in Firm’s Rescue -

You'll want to read all of this article.

It shows the types of assets in the Fed's portfolio, and for which they paid hard cash.

Interestingly, they own some CDSs that made them some money.

* * * * * J B K * * * * *

San Francisco

April 1 (Bloomberg) -- After months of litigation and political scrutiny, the Federal Reserve yesterday ended a policy of secrecy over its Bear Stearns Cos. bailout.

In a 4:30 p.m. announcement in a week of congressional recess and religious holidays, the central bank released details of securities bought to aid Bear Stearns's takeover by JPMorgan Chase & Co. Bloomberg News sued the Fed for that information.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Europe Inflation Jumps More Than Economists Forecast (Update2) -

And this is from a currency that did not increase the monetary base.

How can the US avoid inflation?

* * * * * J B K * * * * *

San Francisco

European inflation accelerated more than economists forecast on higher oil prices, while the unemployment rate reached double-digits for the first time since 1998.

Consumer prices in the 16-nation euro region increased 1.5 percent in March from a year earlier, after a 0.9 percent gain in February, the European Union statistics office in Luxembourg said today. That is the fastest inflation since December 2008 and topped the median forecast of 1.1 percent in a Bloomberg survey of 36 economists. Unemployment rose to 10 percent in February, the highest rate since August 1998, a separate report showed.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Reform in Congress Lacking Cash Clause to Stop Lehman-Like Runs -

The problem is not liquidity, but rather government incompetence and corruption.

These problems would not exist if the Congress had not lowered Fannie and Freddie's standards.

There's where the reform must begin.

* * * * * J B K * * * * *

San Francisco

March 29 (Bloomberg) -- In 2,615 pages of financial reform legislation introduced in the U.S. Congress, there are no rules to ensure that banks keep enough cash-like assets when credit disappears.

Guidelines on liquidity risk management, which were published March 17 by the Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., also avoided spelling out how much banks need to hold, and in what form, to make sure they don't collapse if short-term lending dries up. International efforts to do that for the global banking system could take years to implement.

Citigroup Inc., which came close to a funding shortfall in 2008 and received a $45 billion government infusion, is among U.S. lenders that have hoarded cash since credit markets seized up two years ago. Even so, the banks continue to rely on overnight borrowing for their funding needs. While down from its peak in 2007, the U.S. repo market, which provides banks with short-term lending backed by collateral, is still $2 trillion.

"The temptation always is to lower liquidity levels when times are good," said Baylor Lancaster, an analyst at CreditSights Inc. in Miami. "That's why we need rules. In three years' time, are people really going to care about liquidity as much as they do now?"