Monday, May 04, 2009

Coming Bear Market in Bonds

First, the US Treasury has hundreds of billions of dollars of bonds to sell to fund the trillion dollar deficits Congress is mandating.

Second, the Federal Reserve will be selling the trillions of dollars of securities they have purchased in the recent expansion of the monetary base.

Third, and finally, any investor who owns bonds will be selling to avoid the coming bear market.

Paterson is advising its clients to continue to extend the maturity of liabilities past the 5 year mark, and look at 10 year liabilities, or more.

Continue to shorten the maturity of assets and use money market arbitrage to improve earnings.

Consider borrowing long term deposits.

Use extreme caution on long term lending.

Warn senior management and the board that a disaster is in the offing.

The flood of money recently added by the Fed will either cause inflation or increases in long term interest rates - or both.